How We Work

Customised Delivery To Meet Your Unique Needs


At Business HorsePower we believe that every person, team and organisation is different so we design our work for your own unique circumstances. You won’t find cookie cutter solutions here, however from over a decade of experience we know that our engagements typically follow a similar process.

1) What’s Actually Happening Now

We review your current situation and through a robust discovery session we identify what is really happening now in your business.

We use a combination of one-to-one and group research to get under the skin of what’s working and what needs attention. This allows us to prioritise and lay the foundations to support any future work.

2) The Desired Outcomes

We clearly identify the outcomes you require and importnatly how you will know these outcomes have been met. This way you can easily measure the ROI of your investment.

3) Available Resources

We leverage the resources you already have in the business. Often this takes the input of executives and experts in your team who are alreday exhibiting the behaviours and characteristics we want to change

4) Solution Development

We work with you to co-create the best solution for your and your team. We’ll bring the inspiration, you bring the reality of what you know will work in your business – and the budget we’re working to.

5) Execution

This is where the rubber meets the road. In partnership with you we deliver the agreed upon solution, always keeping you appraised of how things are progressing, so we can make amendments if required

6) Evidence

We collate evidence of how the programme has worked so that you can determine the ROI of your investment. We do this through feedback questionnaires, testimonials and interviews

By working in phases we can pace the work and give you time to review what you’ve learned and think about what’s working and what’s next.


Lightbulb with six methodologies written around the side
Team Leading a Horse

Designed With The Adult Learner In Mind


Research shows that adults learn best when they get to embody and apply what they learn immediately in the workplace. This is what achieves behavioural change.

That is why all our programmes contain an element of experiential and social learning in them. We call this ‘learning by doing’ as participants make decisions that are real rather than merely thinking about a hypothetical situation.

We find that partnering with horses is the quickest way we know to help clients step out of their comfort zone and apply theories in a really practical way. Plus the horses provide an instant feedback loop – they never sugar coat their feedback – thereby allowing participants to re-calibrate and try a different approach to get a different result.

By working in groups and also participating in peer action learning sessions participants get to leverage the wisdom of their colleagues which builds relationships, helps break down silo mentalities and fosters a spirit of engagement across the workplace.

We also incorporate online learning either via Zoom or Teams and in person, face to face workshops, as well as e-learning when appropriate.

We’ll co-create with you the best solution for your people so that they are engaged and motivated to participate, thereby ensuring you a significant ROI on your investment.


Next Steps


Not sure how exactly what you need and how we can work together, no problem, that’s our job to figure out.  So go ahead and book in for a no obligation discovery call and let’s explore what’s possible for you and your team 

Connect with us for a no obligation conversation

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