A number of people have recently been asking me why I moved to Yorkshire. After all I could have gone to live anywhere and yet Yorkshire became my calling. I’d love to say I had a concrete plan but that is simply not true. I ended up in Yorkshire because the same person’s name came up four times in a row as a place where I could keep my horses. A place that would resonate with my values and that would provide an amazing base for me to run my leadership workshops with horses. And so I listened, came and checked out the place and the rest as they say is history.

The dictionary defines synchronicity as a series of co-incidences and that is certainly what happened to me.  I had always loved Yorkshire from a brief time when I worked up here and then every time I visited my friend Sarah-Jane and her family I loved it even more. So when I had the opportunity to relocate Sarah-Jane suggested Yorkshire and I was open to that.

However, it wasn’t just about moving me. In fact that bit was pretty simple. The more complex piece was finding somewhere for four horses, where they could live out all year, but still have some stabling to come in when they wanted. Plus it had to be a venue that was open to my clients coming along and partnering with the horses to develop their leadership skills.  My wish list was long and to some degree potentially unbelievable.

I shared with a number of people what I needed and the same name kept coming up.  Initially from an old school friend, who I had not seen in 20 years. When I met her at a reunion she immediately thought I was a horse whisperer and asked me if I knew her friend Sarah.  I didn’t directly although it turned out Sarah had assessed my videos when I was studying for my Monty Roberts Certificate in Natural Horsemanship some 5 year earlier.  Spooky.  And then Sarah’s name came up again a couple of times so I felt compelled to come and meet her.  It was Christmas 2012 and of all the yards I went to see Sarah’s yard (which is usually full) was the only one that could accommodate all my four horses and was happy for me to work out of her venue.  Plus, as anyone who has been to one of my events will know, it is a magical place and their philosophy of horsemanship so resonates with my own.

The thing is that I would never have found this place if I had not be present and open and really listening to what was going on around me. If I had not listened to my intuition I would not have ended up here. And yet this is the perfect place to be.

And if I stop and reflect on my life there have been loads of these co-incidences.  What initially appear random events all aligning to show me the path to my success.  The challenge is that often we are so embroiled in our day to day activities that we never stop and see the opportunities right before our eyes.

So today, I urge you to slow down, become present and really see what is happening around you, as there are clues everywhere.  You just need to look and then join the dots.

I’d love to hear from you on how synchronicity has shaped your destiny and the biggest lessons you have learned. I truly believe that everything is happening for a reason. It is just up to you to listen and the take action.

Have an amazing synchronistic week.

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